31st December 2009 - End of Darwin200 Year New Year's eve marks the last day of Darwin200 year. Thanks to all who participated there was a very good programme offered throughout the Island of Ireland. We have had over 50 events listed on this website. Special thanks to all who organised events and to those who presented and of course to all who joined in this celebration of 200th birthday one of the world's most important thinkers and the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species. Thanks also to Nigel Monaghan for compiling and sending out the monthly e-newsletter. Thanks also to Kevin Gill for building this website. and thanks to Bob Bloomfield NHM and the Darwin200 team in UK for great assistance and advice.Darwin 200 rolls nicely into 2010 which is International year for Biodiversity. There will be good opportunity to continue celebrating Darwin's contribution to our understanding of biodiversity. Happy new year,Eoin Gill 24th November - 150th Anniversary ofThe Origin of SpeciesRead Irish Times Coverage Science Today Thursday 19th November Dick Ahlstrom Click here Willie Reville Click here
"Fragile Web: Whats Next for Nature?" With Prof Jonathan Silvertown (OU) 150th Celebrations at Science GalleryDiscovering Darwin Seminar National Museum of Ireland Collins Barracks Sat 28th Nov Creation - Major Darwin Film on Release from 25th September
Creation is a powerful story which illustrates a key period in the life of Charles Darwin: the years while he was formulating one of the most important works ever written - On the Origin of Species is a book that changed forever the way people think about mankind’s evolution. Paul Bettany will star as the charismatic Darwin, a brilliant scientist and devoted family man. Inspired by Annie, his treasured daughter, Darwin writes “On The Origin Of Species” and finds himself not only pitted against society’s beliefs, but his wife Emma played by Jennifer Connelly. Click here for more information including cinemas and trailer here Happy Birthday Mr. DarwinDarwin 200 Celebrations12th February 2009 marks the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin and this is marked by the Darwin200 celebrations. Events are taking place around Ireland: coordinated by iSCAN the Irish Science Centres Awareness Network. Do you want to get involved, run an event or learn more? Contact Eoin Gill mailto:egill@wit.ie?Subject=Darwin200%20Ireland
Darwin's big Idea - Natural Selection as the mechanism for evolution is 150 years old this year. Celebrations will continue throughout the year as November will see the 150th anniversary of the publication of On The Origin of Species. The idea that shook the world - evolution by natural selection - is 150 years old. On the 1st July 1858 joint papers by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace proposing the mechanism by which evolution works was read to the Linnean Society in London. This event did not attract a great deal of attention but the following year 1859 saw the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species (full title: On the origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life) which introduced the idea to the public. The result was a storm of debate and controversy which still rages today. Despite 150 years of evidence supporting the theory and effectively universal acceptance by biologists a large percentage of the public remain sceptical or confused about evolution. Charles Darwin was born in 1809 and there will be events all over the world marking the 200th birthday of one of the world's greatest scientists and the 150th birthday of the idea that changed our world. Darwin celebrations will be coordinated in Ireland by iSCAN - the Irish Science Centres Awareness Network in partnership with Darwin200 in the UK which is coordinated by the London Natural History Museum (link on left). Science Centres and Awareness Groups, Museums, Libraries, Arts Centres, Universities and Institutes of Technology and other organisations will be running events for Darwin 200.
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