Darwin - Life and Legacy by Eoin Gill( Irish Science teachers Association Conference )Location: Holland Theatre, University of LimerickAudience: TeachersDate: 21 March 2009Contact: egill@wit.ieEoin Gill filled in for Peter Bowler at the ISTA Conference. Eoin is coordinator of Darwin 200 Ireland. The Evolution Megalab is an exciting "citizen project" running throughout Europe. Coordinated by the Open University the project seeks to get people out observing and recording the banded snail (Cepea Nemoralis). Observers log onto the website to record their observations, which will be part of a real research project with experts from around Europe. Eoin Gill is Chair of iSCAN the Irish Science Centres Awareness Network. He works full time in science awareness through Calmast (Centre for the Advancement of Learning of Maths, Science and Technology) at Waterford IT with Sheila Donegan. Eoin and Sheila recieved a Descartes Award for Science Communication from the EU in 2006.