'Celebrating Darwin – evolution and the creation of a controversy'

( QUB School of Education & Stranmillis University College )

Location: Cathcart Room, 69 University Street, Belfast

Audience: Students, Teachers & Public

Date: 27th March 1 pm

Contact: cmccrory03@qub.ac.uk

School of Education & Stranmillis University College
Lunchtime Research Seminar

In his Inaugural Address President Barack Obama emphatically highlighted change from the Bush administration. Included in his speech were the words ‘We'll restore science to its rightful place ...’, which marked the end of the tacit, sometimes explicit, endorsement of creationism by the White House. It was appropriate that such words were spoken in this, the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. We are pleased to add to the anniversary events with a seminar to celebrate his legacy and the contribution of his ideas to the modern world.

'Celebrating Darwin –  evolution and the creation of a controversy'

Cathcart Room, 69 University Street
Date: 27 March
Time: 1pm

Speaker: James D. Williams
Sussex School of Education

University of Sussex