Charles Darwin: Geology, Geography and the Theory of Evolution

( Belfast Geologist's Society with Professor Peter Bowler, )

Location: St Bartholomew's Church Hall, Stranmillis Road, Belfast

Audience: General Public

Date: Monday 16th February 2009 7.30 pm (Wine Reception 7pm)

Contact: Email: Peter Crowther at peter.crowther@nmni.com

Belfast Geologists' Society 4th Annual Harold Wilson Memorial Lecture

(sponsored by Geological Survey of Northern Ireland and Earth Science 2000)
Monday 16 February 2009


(wine reception from 7.00pm)

St Bartholomew's Church Hall, Stranmillis Road, Belfast
Charles Darwin: Geology, Geography and the Theory of Evolution
by Peter Bowler (Professor of History of Science, Queen's University Belfast)
Non-members welcome